Of Kindred & Stardust

Cover for Of Kindred & Stardust

After four years in the Alpha Centauri solar system, astrobiologist Dath Bellin is relieved to be back at ECHO-Crosspoint Space Station. His next mission: return to Earth and take a vacation. There’s family to see, R&R to catch up on, and Imbolc to celebrate with his Druid grove—everything he could hope for from a Canadian winter. Unfortunately, everything goes wrong before he can even leave the station. There’s also the matter of his exes, whom he can’t have back no matter how much he wants them, not after his horrible mistake.

For the past four years, Mack Ainsley Tsallis and Kytzia Polović have wanted to know why Dath left them the way he did. They’re determined to win him back together, especially since Mack is convinced Dath wasn’t completely honest with xem and Kytzia before he ran off to Alpha Centauri. Being ignored isn’t cutting it anymore: it’s time to start fresh and prove the three of them are perfect for each other.

Content notes, trigger warnings, and disclaimers: Of Kindred and Stardust contains some explicit content, all of which is meant for adult readers. This story includes mentions of transphobia and bigotry in a character’s past, as well as a subtle reference to that character’s deadname. The story also contains references to depression and the loss of a sibling. The characters also experience a period of quarantine and lockdown due to an unknown illness.

Please note the story does employ the use of the gender-neutral pronouns xe and xir, as well as other such pronouns. These are not mistakes: they are the chosen pronouns of the characters.


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